System for Awards Management | Dynamic Small Business Search
Grants | Federal Funding |Government Procurement
Government Wide SMALL BUSINESS Utilization Report
Is your company a candidate for end of year government spending?
Federal Registration for Businesses
Description |Benefits | Eligibility Requirements
The System for Award Management is a government-wide registry for vendors in pursuit of federal grants, loans, and contracts. SAM centralizes information about grant recipients and provides a central location for recipients for grants and contracts to make changes to information. SAM also a platform for vendors to view open solicitation opportunities and award reports.
The Dynamic Small Business Search is a platform connected with a company’s SAM Registration. It is strictly provided to for-profit, small American businesses, with interest in contract inclusion. Essentially, this is your government contracting application. The DSBS is utilized by Federal, City, County, and State Government buyers when considering a source for a contract.
About 85% of the small businesses registered in SAM and DSBS for the purpose of contracting, have critical errors and omissions. This results in candidacy exclusion for these vendors.
Think about it… Would you hire an individual who slapped their name, phone number, and email address on an application and didn’t bother with the rest? Hopefully your answer is no. Well, neither would a government buyer. It is highly recommended that you speak with one of our experts to assess your capabilities and provide you with fiduciary and much-needed guidance.

Company is legally filed with their Secretary of State
Company has a business banking account
Company is not on the excluded-parties list
DSBS: Company is small, for-profit, and operating in the US
Access to contract opportunities
Registration affirms company is legitimate
Ability to apply for federal grants and other funding
Increases opportunities with Federal and Local buyers
Increases your exposure to Primary Contractors
Increases your revenue and accelerates growth
Why companies utilize Atlas
Atlas Business Consulting & Development, LLC is a Veteran, Woman Owned Business. We understand the challenges that other small business owners face. So, we pick up 90% of the burden. We also have a 100% approval rate. We've simplified and normalized the process by retrieving the necessary information and completing the following:
- Analyze and enhance your federal registrations – SAM | DSBS
- We process the company ownership validation paperwork.
- Submit substantiating documents, financial reports & proof of citizenship
- Verify, complete, and submit the application and required forms
- We process rapidly, and your company’s best interest is our primary focus
- We manage your registration and complete updates at your request
An average of 14 days from process initiation to completion
If you are ready, scroll down to the packages listed below. It is HIGHLY encouraged and recommended you speak with one of our experts to determine eligibility and if it is in your best interest to register. If you require a no cost evaluation, use the button below.
S.A.M. | DSBS Packages
S.A.M. Registration Process | Award | Management
DSBS Profile Completion | Management
$600 Value
S.A.M. Registration Process | Award | Management
DSBS Profile Completion | Management
Capability Statement
2 hours 1-to-1 Government
Contracting Consulting
$1,900 Value
S.A.M. Registration Process | Award | Management
DSBS Profile Completion | Management
Capability Statement
2 Hours of 1-to-1 Government Contracting Consulting
G.U.I.D.E. Report
(Government Utilization Industry Data Examination)
$2,900 Value | (MOST POPULAR)
My company only requires the S.A.M. Registration | Renewal
If you’ve decided to discuss our government contracting services at a later date, are a non-profit, not looking to pursue government contracts, or just need a renewal, we have exactly what you are looking for.